The Secura Lab is a research group in the Computer and Network Systems division at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), which is joint between Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg (Sweden). We also have an organic connection with the Chalmers Security & Privacy Lab.

The Secura Lab is led by Dr. Muoi Tran. The primary goal of our lab is to enhance the security of computer systems, particularly those that are networked. Our research includes areas such as security in Internet routing, peer-to-peer security on blockchain, and the security of network infrastructures. Take a look at our publications page to learn more about our recent publication.

We will soon hire 1-2 PhD students for Spring 2025, please read prof. Torkar’s article on Internships and PhD studies in Sweden.


We have a "new" website!
Sep 1 2024, Muoi Tran

Along with Muoi Tran accepting the offer to join Chalmers University of Technology, we have a new lab.
Secura means secure in Latin. It is what we do – securing (networked) systems from lower layers and up!

Credit: Many thanks to NSG@ETH for letting us borrow their web design.

We have a "new" website!
New routing security paper accepted at S&P '24!
Mar 12 2024, Muoi Tran

Our paper on routing attacks against cryptocurrency mining pools has been accepted at IEEE S&P 2024.
We propose the Erosion attacks, in which network adversaries disrupt Proof-of-Work mining pools at scale. Check our paper to see how 96% of Bitcoin mining power can be disrupted by tampering with a few packets!

New routing security paper accepted at S&P '24!